Exquisite Corpse

For this episode, the Mutamur crew has stitched together an audio exquisite corpse made of futurist readings and written texts. Each host responded in turn to the last 30 seconds of our co-hosts' 5-minute segments. Each segment includes both original and stitched-together texts, covering deep time, materialism, the importance of secrets, apocalypse, and astroturf.


Listen on our archive.


Death’s End by Cixin Lui, 2010

The Hundreds, an experiment based on Kathleen Stewart and Laura Berlant’s work on Affect Theory, 2020

The 1981 issue of Heresies on Feminism and Ecology

After Nature by Jedidiah Purdy, 2015

Flowers of Mold by Ha Seong-Nan, 1999

The Ends of the World by Peter Brannon, 2017

Request on Montez Press’s Universal Archive→


Geo-engineering and Surreal Designs


Deep Listening to Gravel with Concrete Husband