The Consequences of Archives
This episode looks at the consequences of archives—how Russian avant grade artists rejected archival artworks; how photo archives can change histories; and how Anarchy Archives for the future might decompose instead of accumulate, decay Instead of remain static.
This episode draws on research from:
An Archive of Feelings by Ann Cvetkovich
”Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression” by Jacques Derrida
The Sentient Archive: Bodies, Performance, and Memory by Bill Bissell and Linda Caruso Haviland.
“The Archival Object: A Memoir of Disintegration” by Lisa Darms
”AnArcheology for AnArchives: Why Do We Need—Especially for the Arts—A Complementary Concept to the Archive?”" by Siegfried Zielinski
The Go-To How To Book of Anarchiving by the Senselab, Montréal
”Socially Engaged Art, Experimental Pedagogies, and Anarchiving as Research-Creation” by Stephanie Springgay , Anise Truman, and Sara MacLean
“An Archival Impulse” by Hal Foster
The Memory Code: The Secrets of Stonehenge, Easter Island and Other Ancient Monuments by Lynne Kelly